Adapted Spiral Praxis Student Registration
New students and families to the Spiral Movement Center must fill out and sign our student release form before attending. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Please check the session(s) and program(s) you are interested in. (Select all that apply)*
Please enquire for group, private session, and private intensive fees.
Private session length and time are subject to change based on the age and needs of the students. Additional classes may be added as required. All prices include tax and art supplies. To register please e-mail or call 416-469-3569 to set up an initial meeting for assessment and discussion. Space is reserved on a first come, first served basis so please register early.
I. Personal Information
Participant's Name *
Parent / Guardian's Name *
Address *
Phone *
Emergency Contact Information
Who can be contacted should an emergency arise?
II. Background Information
III. Video and Photography
IV. Participant Release Form
I accept responsibility for my child's own medical coverage. I hereby give permission for staff/ volunteers of Spiral Movement Center, to arrange for any emergency medical care including hospitalization and transportation if necessary, and agree to pay for all expenses and costs incurred thereby. If emergency medical care is required, attempts will be made to contact emergency contact person(s) shown above. I agree to release and indemnify and save harmless Spiral Movement Center, c.o. Andrew Hlavats and their staff from all claims arising from whatever participation in any program organized by the staff or volunteers of Spiral Movement Center by any cause whatsoever. Please note that this form with its legal consents and liabilities remains in effect from the date it is signed and will apply to any future Spiral Movement Center programs that the above-named participant is registered in unless advised otherwise in writing. I, the undersigned, have read and fully understand the "Participant's Release Form".
V. Refunds/Cancellation Policy
Due to the logistical requirements of staffing and scheduling necessary for private sessions, we require that 24-hour notice be provided for any cancellation or schedule changes, failing which the session will be billed as normal. Special exceptions may be given in the event of unexpected illness or emergency.
VI. Additional Needs/Requirements
If you have any additional needs or requirements, please let us know in the field below or by writing us at: We will be able to provide accommodation or adjustments depending on you and your child's specific needs.
Additional Needs/Requirements